We have maintained Primuslabs.com “Platinum Supplier” status since 2000, providing consumers and trade partners third-party audit data covering the production and distribution of our “WEST LAKE FRESH” brand vegetables through a combination of public extranet and private intranet websites.
As a renowned fresh berry sourcing operation, a majority of our sales volume is derived from commodities sourced from trusted grower/shipper partners. To provide our customers vital food safety information covering non “WEST LAKE FRESH” branded commodities, we have enlisted the help of Azzule Supply Chain Program. When enrolled, this program gives our clients access to the most current third-party audit information on products they buy.
A further level of protection is provided by West Lake Fresh's Quality Assurance Inspection Team.
These seasoned professionals routinely monitor harvest in fields and observe storage and shipping activities at coolers for the benefit of all parties in the supply chain. As guests in the fields and coolers, our Quality Control Team has the training for, and obligation to be, good ambassadors of our program and closely adhere to all food safety handling rules established by us and the grower/shipper and cooler operations from whom we source produce.
Together, the highest quality is ensured from field to fork.